Ahmed Abid El-Ilaah Jasim Defense Session

In the Department of Translation at the College of Arts, an MA thesis entitled "A Study of Student – Translators' Creative Writing Strategies.

The thesis included five chapters in which the researcher probed into the previous creativity studies and the study methodology, data analysis and suggestions.

This study aimed at examining the creative dimension between writing in the second language and translation into the second language experimentally at students of translation at the university of Basra as well as understanding the reasons behind the creative dimension between the common outputs in English and translation into English.

The study arrived at the fact that the creativity factor between writing and translation does not match as it seems on the surface and that the students participated achieved higher marks than their task in translation. It was concluded that creativity in translation is bound to the translator's competence and eligibility. This is at the initial stages for student translators and it varies according to the student's abilities and competence.