Scientific Activities of The Information and Knowledge Technologies Department

University of Basrah / College of Arts

Information and Libraries Department











Information and Libraries Department










The Students Activities:


The Libraries and Information Technologies Department began urging professors to assign students to make reports on the curriculum subjects. Each professor who assigns the students to make reports should guide them on how to write them and explain the mechanism of the report from the number of pages and sources used from electronic links, as well as giving them homework and tests. The professor gives the student the degree of the year and the degree of the report, and then the objections submitted by the students are followed up. After that, the department took care of addressing those objections in a way that satisfies everyone and there are no problems faced by the department in this regard.


Community Service:


The department’s presidency followed up on the students’ affairs of the poor students who do not have mobile phones and the Internet, and a list of their names was submitted to the Deanship of the College of Arts to obtain these devices, as well as treat the cases of students infected with the Coronavirus and submitting a list of students’ names to the Deanship of the College of Arts, which from its side thankfully expressed its desire to help them.


Certificates of Participation (for Seminars, Conferences and Workshops):


The following is a schedule showing the faculty members in the Department and the number of symposiums, conferences and electronic workshops in which the participated, for the academic year 2019-2020.





Number of Certificates



Prof.Dr. Ali Abd al-Samad Khudair




Prof.Dr. Amal Abdul-Rahman Abdul-Wahid




Asst.Prof.Dr. Salman Judi Daoud Salman




Asst. Prof. Hala Ghaleb Abdul-Muttalib




Lect. Lubna Qassem Mohammed Raouf




Asst. Lect. Shaker Baher Basht




Asst. Lect. Samer Sabah Majeed




Asst. Lect. Batoul Hameed Majeed




Asst. Lect. Tariq Taha Abboud


Thanks and appreciation from Al-Aleel Organization for Thalassemia Patients/ Basrah







In the Libraries and Information Department, a discussion was held for the research of the postgraduate student / higher diploma, Noura Mohsen Kazem on 4/6/2020, and there is a second discussion for the research of the postgraduate student Aya Taher on 8/9/2020.


The Department's Meetings


The Libraries and Information Department held two meetings during this period of (Corona pandemic). The first meeting was on 22/4/2020 and the second meeting was on 22/5/2020 at exactly six o’clock in the afternoon within a closed electronic circuit via the (ZOOM) platform in the presence of faculty members, and several matters were discussed, the most important of which are related to:


-The postgraduate examinations

-The supplementary examinations

-The undergraduate examinations

-Urging on experimental exams for the supplementary round and then for the undergraduate studies, although some professors have already conducted an exam for the supplementary round as well as the undergraduate stages so that they covered all stages.

-Urging on video lectures and their interest. 

-Re- explaining the subject to students who have completed the curriculum and allowing them to inquire and comprehend.

-Emphasis on activating the IQ of the examination committees.

-Some professors instructed students about how to enter the exam and receive questions and answer them electronically after they discovered the weakness of some students in this aspect. To achieve this, the assistant lecturer, Batoul Hameed Majeed, was assigned to make a simplified video for the students and publish it on their channels for this purpose.

-The teaching staff agreed on the format of the exam questions for the preliminary studies and submitted a form that includes the following:


- The first question is (10) points true or false and the student must answer (7). The degree for this question is (14)

- The second question is (10) choices and the student must answer (7). The degree for this question is (14)

- The third question is (7) filling the blank points and the student must answer (5). The degree for this question is (5)


This is when it was noticed in the experimental electronic exam that the electronic correction has faults in the question of filling the blanks. If the answer is a word ending with (التاء المربوطة) and written by the student with (هاء), it is considered a mistake, as well as the definition (ال). 


With thanks and appreciation


Prof. Dr. Azhar Ali Yassin

Head of the Libraries and Information Department



2- The Examination Committee Meeting:

The Examination Committee met at the Libraries and Information Department on Tuesday, 21/7/2020 at nine o’clock in the morning and discussed the necessary preparations for the final exam, and they agreed on the following:


1- Continuing to take the final exams with the same mechanism used in the supplementary exam (the second attempt), which includes the examination committee for each stage opening electronic classes on the Google Classroom platform according to the number of stages, and subject instructors are invited to participate as teachers so that they can review the questions, and then the students are invited to classes by representatives of the Examination Committee.

2- The professor of the subject announces the degrees to his/her students via the electronic communication platforms used, after checking it completely, which the department’s rapporteur then send to the professors of the department and then upload it in the form of a draft in the electronic class of the subject no later than (24/7/2020).

3- Using the (sub-sheet), the teacher adds the score of the report and puts it on the class in the form of a draft before the date of the exam for the subject, and after completing the correction of the answers, the marks of the final exam are included next to the scores of the report and as indicated in the (sub-sheet). Then it is uploaded to the electronic class as a draft.

4- The examination committee is responsible for the correctness of collecting, checking and arranging the grades.

5- The instructor of the subject must be present on the day of the exam for his/her material throughout the exam in the electronic class and in the (Google Meet) link for the exam to answer students’ inquiries and administer the exam if the internet of the committee member is interrupted.

6- The college dean approached to provide a mobile phone for the examination committee to be used to receive the problems that students might face in the final exam. 


The meeting ended at half past eleven in the morning.


Asst. Lect.  Shaker Taher Basht.  Member


Asst. Lect. Ali Mohair Kareem.  Member


Asst. Lect. Samer Sabah Majeed.  Member


Asst. Lect. Tariq Taha Abboud.  Member


Asst. Lect. Batool Hameed Majeed. 


Prof. Dr. Azhar Ali Yassin. Head of the Examination Committee and the Department


E-Learning for Postgraduate Studies:

The beginning of the academic year 2019-2020 was on 1-11-2019.


The postgraduate students ( 9 master’s students and 6 higher diploma students) were enrolled in the classrooms, 6 for master’s students and 6 subjects for higher diploma students. The teaching staff started distributing vocabulary and teaching. None of the students hesitated, on the contrary they were very persistent, and 15 weeks of study were completed with monthly exams and a discussion of the research and homework assigned to them. On January 17, 2020, the two-week final exam for the course was taken.


As for the second course, the 9 postgraduate students from the master’s students and the 6 high diploma students started studying on 16-2-2020 with 5 subjects. The professors in charge of teaching opened classes for them on Classroom, Telegram and WhatsApp and made video, audio and text lectures for the subjects.  They also did an electronic exam on the Classroom on 14/6/2020.  The final exams for the second course were conducted electronically and lasted until 2-7-2020 under the supervision of the members of the Examination Committee with the supervision of the Presidency of the University and the Ministry.


The Official YouTube Channel of the Department:


In line with the Corona pandemic in general and e-learning in particular, the Libraries and Information Department opened two YouTube channels, one for publishing video lectures for postgraduate studies and one for undergraduate studies. The instructors of the department began publishing their lectures for students to benefit from them in understanding the subjects more easily and to assist the lectures that are published in the form of (pdf) files. The following is a table of professors and videos published in the department's YouTube channel, which are (103), and the number of subscribers is 257, including professors, postgraduate and undergraduate students:





Number of Published Videos

Number of Subscribers


Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Samad Khudhair




Prof. Dr. Amal Abdul Rahman Abdul Wahid




Asst. Prof. Dr. Salman Judi Dawod




Asst. Prof. Hala Ghalib Al- Nahi




Lect. Lubna Qasim Muhammed Raouf




Lect. Abdul Nabi Shanta Faraj




Asst. Lect. Ali Muhair Kareem




Asst. Lect. Samir Sabah Majeed




Asst. Lect. Tariq Taha Abboud



