Discussion of the Thesis of the Student Yas Awadh Rasheed

On Sunday morning, 3/10/2021, a doctoral thesis was discussed at the Arabic Language Department at the College of Arts, entitled “Poetic Thought in Criticizing Iraqi Poetry”.

The thesis presented by the student, Yas Awadh Rasheed, included three chapters. The first chapter discussed literary currents and their impact on poetic thought. It included three topics: the first topic is the realist current, the second topic is the symbolic movement, and the third topic is the surrealist current. The second chapter dealt with neighboring discourses, and it came in two topics: the first topic is collective statements, and the second topic is individual statements. The third chapter dealt with mirrors and included two topics (the first is the mask and its effect on criticism, and the second is intertextuality and its impact on the intellectual making).

The thesis aims that intertextuality in Iraqi poetic studies is built on two main ideas, the first is the study of Iraqi poetry through the incoming intertextuality mechanisms and work to update them and propose new concepts of intertextuality. These concepts are theoretical and applied. The second idea examined the motives for poets’ use of intertextuality, which includes many visions, the most important of which is to highlight of their culture to the reader.

The thesis concluded that literary currents are an important reference in the making of poetic thought because with their emergence they had a modernist character that affected many poets in the Arab and Iraqi world in particular. These currents were derived from Western literary schools, but not calling them schools is because they do not represent a school with complete features, but rather a literary current that took from the school some of its features and used some of its characteristics without identifying it as an integrated poetic school.