Discussion of the Thesis of the Student Wedyan Issa Hassan

On Monday morning, 4/10/2021, at the Department of Arabic Language in the College of Arts, a doctoral thesis entitled “Philology in the Studies of Arab Modernists, a study in the curriculum, terminology and language issues” was discussed.

The thesis presented by the student, Wedyan Issa Hassan, included three chapters. The first chapter discussed the method of composition between overlap and differentiation. It was based on comparisons in the writings of the modernists regarding the curriculum, as it shed light on the curricula of the modernists who wrote on Philology. They were in two groups (the first agreed with the ancients in their approach to this concept and did not distinguish between it and linguistics, that term, which is the term most closely related to philology, while the second group distinguished between philology and linguistics and rejected what the first group said. 

As for the second chapter, it dealt with the term and its variations in the works of modern philology, the reasons for this diversity, and an explanation of the flaws, confusion, and disturbance among the two groups.

While the third chapter, was devoted to explaining the most important topics that the people of modern philology have occupied in their writings, which are considered some of the most important mechanisms of linguistic enrichment in our Arabic language, such as dialects, synonyms, homophones, antonyms, parsing, Arabization and lexicons with their modern contexts and advanced approaches.

The thesis aims to be a compilation and arrangement of the efforts of Arab modernists in philology and to shed light on the topics they dealt with in research, studying and analysis, and the purpose of that with an explanation of the mechanisms adopted in their writings.