Discussion of the Thesis of the Student Faisal Ghazi Jaber

On Wednesday morning, corresponding to 6/10/2021, a master’s thesis was discussed in the Department of History at the College of Arts, which entitled Al-Mustatrif book by Al-Abshihi as a source for the study of social life in the Arab Islamic state until the end of the Umayyad era.

The thesis presented by the student Faisal Ghazi Jaber included seven chapters. The first chapter discussed the social life of Al-Abshihi and his scientific method in Al-Mustatrif book. The second chapter included the impact of Islam on the intellectual life of the Arab Islamic state until the end of the Umayyad era. The third chapter discussed the faith life in the Arab Islamic state until the end of the Umayyad era. The fourth chapter touched upon the moral values ​​in the Arab Islamic state and their impact on strengthening the principles of faith. The fifth chapter shows marital life and social relations in the Arab Islamic state until the end of the Umayyad era. The sixth chapter explains the social structure and cultural and geographical aspects in the Arab Islamic state until the end of the Umayyad era. The seventh chapter discussed the political and administrative system in the Arab Islamic state until the end of the Umayyad era.

The thesis aims at a clear and concentrated study of the social conditions in the Arab Islamic state at the beginning of Islam, the Rashidun Caliphate, the Umayyad era, and the moral values ​​that were prevalent in the Islamic community.

The thesis concluded that the Muslim Arabs are the people of humanity and moral principles and values, and that the social life of Al-Abshihi has other topics than what he put in his classification, and that his book is specific to the humanities in general, and it includes these diaspora and arrange them in the form of chapters.

The thesis discussed the importance of science and literature, the virtue of the scholar and the educated, good and bad moral values, and concern for the family, as well as the foundations of Islam and their devotional effect, social relations, and the disadvantages of the political and administrative system of injustice and bribery.