A Statement by the Ministry of Health on the Beginning of the New Academic Year in Iraqi Universities

The Ministry of Health extends its warmest congratulations and blessings to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, teaching staff and students in all Iraqi universities on the occasion of the beginning of the new academic year 2021-2022, and its wishes for the continuing progress and scientific development of universities and colleges in various disciplines.

Our ministry values ​​and appreciates the cooperation and coordination of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in implementing the decisions of the Supreme Committee for Health and National Safety since the beginning of the pandemic until now.

Our Ministry has been keen to confirm through its repeated statements that the threat of the Covid-19 pandemic has not yet been completely controlled, and that the pandemic is still active in most countries of the world, with the possibility of more dangerous future epidemic waves due to the continuous modifications in the genes of the virus, especially in our country due to the weak commitment to the health measures among the majority of society members, so our ministry stresses the importance of vaccination to reduce the severity of waves if they occur, God forbid.

This is what we have clearly noticed in the countries that have achieved high rates of vaccination coverage for their societies. Those countries have witnessed a significant decrease in the number of hospitalized patients and a reduction in death rates in those countries, so the vaccine remains the only way for humanity to control the epidemic to ensure the return of life to its previous condition and the end of all health measures restricting the movement of citizens.

The Ministry of Health is keen on the safety of our dear students and calls on the Ministry of Higher Education to continue in coordination and cooperation to implement the procedures and decisions issued by the Supreme Committee for National Health and Safety, especially those related to increasing vaccination coverage rates, which provided for:

(Teaching staff and students are not allowed to work in all public and private universities until after presenting a certificate of vaccination or a negative examination result for Covid 19 on a weekly basis).

The Ministry of Health has initiated the formation of multiple vaccination teams in all Iraqi universities to facilitate the process of vaccinating the teaching staff and students, and we affirm our full readiness to support the Ministry of Higher Education with all available capabilities to make its study plan for the current year successful, to preserve the health and safety of our dear students and to provide a healthy environment suitable for education.

Thanks and gratitude to the angels of our white army stationed on the front lines with the Corona pandemic, whether in diagnostic services, taking swabs and examining them in laboratories, to the treatment services provided in isolation halls, and to the campaigns to spread the vaccine to citizens in vaccination centers, government departments and other institutions.


Mercy and forgiveness for the martyrs of the White Army, and we wish a fast recovery for the sick sleeping in the isolation halls.


May God protect Iraq and its people from all evil


Iraqi Ministry of Health

Friday 15/10/2021