Discussion of the Thesis of the Student Ahlam Khalaf Mawazi

On Thursday morning, 21/10/2021, at the Department of History at the College of Arts, a master’s thesis, entitled (The Battle of Gallipoli 1915 AD, a Historical Study), was discussed.

The thesis presented by the student Ahlam Khalaf Mawazi included three chapters. The first chapter discussed the conditions of the Ottoman Empire before World War I (1900-1914 AD), and the second chapter discussed the Battle of Gallipoli (Canaq Qala) and the attempt to reach Istanbul (19 February - 17 March 1915 AD). While the third chapter dealt with the military operations (May - August 1915 AD).

The thesis concluded that the Ottoman Empire in this battle (the Battle of Gallipoli, 1915 AD), despite its weak military capabilities in terms of arming and training, but it had defeated major countries, namely the allies (Britain and France) and other countries allied with them.