A Discussion of the Student Nidal Nime Abdel Qader

A master’s thesis entitled “Automated Information Systems Used in Basrah University Libraries: a survey study" was discussed on Sunday morning, 10/24/2021, in the Information and Libraries Department, College of Arts.

The thesis presented by the student Nidal Nime Abdel Qader included four chapters. The first chapter discussed the general framework of the study, the second chapter discussed the theoretical aspect, the third chapter dealt with the field study, and the fourth chapter discussed the results and recommendations.

The thesis aims to identify automated information systems in terms of concept, importance and functions in the theoretical study, as well as the automated systems used in the libraries of the University of Basra in the field study.

The thesis concluded that libraries and information centers lack ready-made automated systems and rely on locally designed systems.

The thesis recommended the necessity of working with ready-made, integrated and free automated systems such as (koha) because it suits all sizes of libraries and supports many languages, including Arabic, and is characterized by ease of updating and modification.