Zain Iraq Provides Lines at Competitive Prices to Students of the College of Arts

The visit of Zain Iraq Telecom Company to the office of the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs Prof. Dr. Haider Abdul-Ridha Al-Tamimi on Sunday 7/11/2021, and they discussed the company’s ability to provide lines and services at competitive prices for our dear students in light of the difficult circumstances that Iraq and the world in general are going through.  In light of the Corona pandemic and the application of the blended education system, which requires fast and cheap Internet service for both the student and professor.

In light of this, a special discount was made for our students by selling an integrated service SIM at a price of (1000 thousand dinars only) with the provision of fast internet service with modems and nano devices to solve the problem of weak internet during electronic lessons for our students in undergraduate and postgraduate studies.