An Instructor from Basrah University Publishes a Research in a Turkish Journal

Asst. Prof. Dr. Haider Lazem Aziz, the instructor at the Department of History / College of Arts, published a scientific research, entitled “Features of Social Life in Basrah in the Books of Modern era Travelers”,  in one of the Turkish university journals. The research published in the Rimac International Journal of Human Studies and Social Sciences, studied what the foreign travelers wrote about social life in Basrah during modern history.

As Basrah was the focus of the attention of many travelers who visited it for different purposes, but they unanimously agreed on its importance in all aspects, and presented different pictures of the aspects of the social activities of it's citizens, especially regarding their clothes, food, customs and traditions, as well as the nature of the relations that prevailed between its various components.

Therefore, the books of those trips can be an important source for studying the social history of this city, especially since travelers are interested in details that may be insignificant for the local population, such as clothes, types of food and other details of their daily life, but travelers find them strange and important and work on writing them down, which constitutes a historical reference for future generations.