An Instructor’s Participation in an International Conference

The instructor in the Department of History at the College of Arts - University of Basrah, Prof. Dr. Alaa Kamel Saleh Al-Issawi, participated in the first international intellectual and cultural conference organized by the College of Education for Human Sciences / Wasit University. The conference was concerned with studying coexistence and tolerance among monotheistic religions, as it is considered a humanitarian message.

The instructor participated by presenting research entitled (Religious Tolerance among Human Societies - the city of Basrah as a model). The researcher has dealt with the foundations of peaceful coexistence between members of society and its impact on uniting the society and avoiding discrimination that threatens the unity of its members.

The conference included research papers from various universities and research centers from inside and outside Iraq that focused on the importance of peaceful coexistence and tolerance between nations and peoples, which spares the nation the scourge of war and other matters that contribute to this aspect.