Rehabilitation and Development of the Multimedia Laboratory at the College of Arts

Based on the directives and support of the Dean of the College of Arts, Prof. Dr. Majid Abdul Hameed Al Kaabi, and under the supervision of the Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Haider Abdul Ridha Al-Tamimi, the multimedia laboratory has been rehabilitated according to the standards approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The Assistant Dean stated that the Deanship of the College of Arts is keen to keep pace with scientific progress and strives to take care of all aspects of the college, including laboratories and halls, and provide the necessary supplies. The aim of rehabilitating this laboratory is to increase its absorptive capacity in addition to providing it with everything new in the world of technology and scientific progress to advance the scientific reality of our students.

It is worth mentioning that the Multimedia Lab is one of the advanced laboratories that will be equipped with the latest equipment to support the scientific and research process in the college and to provide the best services to our dear students and researchers from inside and outside the university and society in general, wishing our educational institutions continued progress and prosperity.