Higher Education Determines the Closing Date for the Application Portal for Private Universities and Colleges

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces that the application portal for private universities and colleges will close at midnight this Sunday 26/12/2021. Tomorrow, Monday, the registration and start-up stage will begin for students who have completed the application process and whose names appeared in the interface of the examination for differentiation as candidates for admission.

We draw the attention of our dear students that the registration process will be according to the groups system and according to the student sequences, and we invite those included in the first admission group to go to the private universities and colleges and complete the registration procedures, bringing with them the required academic documents and ID documents.

We invite students whose names appeared in the other groups to check their student account and wait for the possibility of registration according to the availability of seats so that they can complete the registration and start-up process.


Department of Public Relations and Media 

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research 
