Discussion of the Student Amjad Hamid Abadi’s Thesis

On Tuesday morning 4/1/2022, a PhD thesis, entitled “German-Israeli Relations and their Impact on the Internal Conditions of Israel 1950-1989”, was discussed in the History Department at the College of Arts / University of Basrah.

The thesis submitted by the student, Amjad Hamid Abadi, included four chapters. The first chapter discussed the contacts between West Germany and Israel and the position of the Israeli opposition on them 1950-1952. The second chapter dealt with German-Israeli arms deals 1956-1961. The third chapter discussed the twelfth agreement of May 1966. The fourth chapter dealt with West Germany's position on the signing of the Camp David Accords and the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt 1978-1979.

The thesis reached a set of results, the most important of which is that despite Germany repeatedly repudiating the Jewish guilt and evading the payment of compensation, it continued to pay compensation to Israel and the positions of West German policy towards Israel did not change after its unification.