Discussion of the Student Sadeq Atwan Khreibet’s Thesis

On Tuesday morning, 15/2/2022, a PhD thesis, entitled (The Problem of Naturalization in Contemporary Arab Criticism), was discussed at the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Arts / University of Basrah.

The thesis submitted by the student, Sadeq Atwan Khreibet, included four chapters. The first chapter discussed the genres term and translation, the second chapter dealt with the origin and criteria for naturalization, the third chapter included genres classification and relations, and the fourth chapter dealt with naturalization between acceptance and alternatives to rejection.

The thesis aims to unravel the problems that accompanied the theory of literary genres of rejection, acceptance, overlapping, crossing or switching the literary genre with work, literary impact, open text, and writing across quality, specifically in contemporary Arab criticism, in which criticism of this theory reached its climax in pursuit of the opinions presented by critics that support  theory or reject it.

The thesis concluded that contemporary criticism is confined between the period that followed the end of the Second World War and until the year 2020. The study presented perceptions of the genre term based on a consistent and deliberate choice of the term (genre) to express major literary genres and the term type for minor genres. It also concluded that the criteria for literary naturalization are not absolute, but are renewed and developed according to the stage that each genre and species go through, and that the development and change in the structure of the literary genre are a response to the qualitative development in society.

The thesis recommended paying attention to the subject of the theory of literary genres, clarifying the purely Arab genres, and supporting every critical effort that reveals the roots of this theory in our ancient and contemporary criticism.