The Department of Geography Organizes a Scientific Trip to the Marshes of the South

The Department of Geography and Geographical Information Systems at the College of Arts organized a scientific trip to the marshes of the Chabayish district in Dhi Qar governorate, in which a number of instructors and students participated.

The instructors gave an explanation of the name of the Chabayish marshes and how the inhabitants of the marshes made use of the marsh plants from reeds and sedge to build their homes. In addition to explaining the importance of the ecological and economic marshes and the possibility of investing them and creating job opportunities for their residents through the revitalization of eco-tourism in them, which has rebounded greatly after its entry into the World Heritage List, and in conclusion the importance of the Euphrates Dam in achieving the conservation of the Euphrates water and the continuation of maintaining the flow of water towards the marshes in order to ensure the preservation of the living environment in them.