Basrah University Organizes a Visit to the Natural History Museum

In order to strengthen the links between the Department of History at the College of Arts / University of Basrah and various institutions, a number of the department’s instructors and students organized a visit to the Natural History Museum in Basra to identify the most important exhibits in it and inform students of what the Iraqi environment in general and Basra in particular includes of the various wealth. 

They were received by Dr. Adel Qassem Jassim, the director of the museum, who expressed his happiness with this visit. They were taken on an introductory tour in the halls of the museum and introduced to its contents, which included a large group of animals, birds, reptiles, and fish, which abound in the marshes or in the desert areas.  He also referred to the season of migration of birds from their original areas to the marshes of Iraq, and gave an explanation of the mummification mechanism of animals in the museum.

The delegation expressed their thanks and appreciation to the Director of the Museum and all its employees for the warm reception.

At the end of the visit, they went to the Archeology Museum in the presidential palaces, toured its halls and got acquainted with its various exhibits that date back to the civilization of Mesopotamia: the Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, and Assyrian eras, as well as the Islamic eras, where different types of pots, seals, statues, necklaces, pottery, incense burners and precious stones were viewed. Then they visited the educational hall in the museum and saw pictures of tablets and models of Sumerian writing. The students expressed their joy and happiness for this visit, and the great benefit it achieved for them, and to see the effects of the Iraqi civilization, whose roots extend back to more than eight thousand years ago.