Discussion of the Student Hakima Faisal Kazem’s Thesis

On Wednesday morning, 23/3/2022, a master thesis, entitled (the Issues of the Western Arab World in the Arab Future Magazine, a Study in Political and Social Aspects 1978-1990), was discussed at the Department of History at the College of Arts.

The thesis presented by the student Hakima Faisal Kazem included an introduction to the history of the emergence of (The Arab Unity Studies Center), from which the magazine was issued, its most important goals and its cultural and intellectual production. The first chapter was devoted to the study of the Arab Future magazine and its most prominent editor-in-chief and most important writers and the problems it faced, the second chapter focused on talking about the political positions of the Arab Future magazine towards the issues of the Arab Mashriq (1978-1990), and the third chapter dealt with the concerns of the Arab Future magazine of the issues of social development in support of the Arab Unity Project.

The thesis aims to identify the position of the Arab Future magazine on the contemporary Arab political situation as well as its supportive position for the Palestinian cause and its denunciation of the Zionist occupation and the role of the center promoted by the magazine in the establishment of Arab and regional institutions that work to bring the views of different currents closer and recall everything that supports Arab societies to reach a satisfactory degree of independence.

The thesis concluded that the Arab Future magazine has made great efforts in finding solutions to Arab crises through several conclusions by specialists in various fields, in addition to that it did not contribute in any way what provokes hostility in the Arab reader towards any of the Arab countries in order to preserve Arab cohesion and it is directed mainly to the intellectuals and politicians of the Arab world.