The University of Basrah Signs a Partnership Agreement with the British Council

The University of Basrah signed a partnership contract with the British Council to set up the IELTS English language proficiency exam at the University of Basrah.

The contract was signed by Mr. Jim Petrie on behalf of the Cultural Council and Prof. Dr. Majid Abdul Hameed Al-Kaabi, Dean of the College of Arts, on behalf of the President of the University of Basrah. 

The two parties also discussed other areas of cooperation, such as the Peacebuilding Program, which was approved by the Ministry of Higher Education as an academic curriculum to be applied starting from the next academic year, as well as scholarships and academic scholarship programs.

The visit culminated in a visit to the multimedia language laboratory of the Living Languages Center at the College of Arts, which will be the center for the IELTS exam. Representatives of the Cultural Council expressed their admiration for the level of equipment available in the center and the great effort made by the College of Arts in preparing the exam center.

At the end of the meeting, it was agreed that the necessary requirements would be completed within a period of one month to start holding the exam during the month of May.

It is worth mentioning that this exam center is considered the first place not only in Basra, but also in southern Iraq to hold the IELTS exam.