Discussion of the Student Nael Ibrahim Abdel Karim’s Thesis

On Tuesday morning, 19/4/2022, a master’s thesis, entitled (Grammatical Casting and its Impact on the Text, the Prophet’s Paper as an Example), was discussed at the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Arts / University of Basrah.

The thesis presented by the student Nael Ibrahim Abdel Karim included four chapters, the first chapter discussed the referral, the second chapter included deletion, the third chapter dealt with substitution, and the fourth chapter discussed linking.

The thesis aims to identify the effect of grammatical casting on the coherence of the text of the Prophetic supplication.

The thesis concluded the role of the former and posterior reference in casting the text of the supplication and what the maqamiyyah did to link it to the context. The omission of letters was large in supplications that pertain to the attributes of God to increase veneration. The replacement occurred with the word and the sentence, and this also had its effect on casting, as well as the temporal link, which (الواو) was one of the most used connections in the texts of the blessed prophetic supplications.

The thesis recommended not to neglect the impact of context and its importance in every aspect of grammatical casting, as it is the basis for understanding the meaning, and there is no difference in that (the linguistic context) within the text and (the non-linguistic context) with what revolves around the text, both of which are complementary to the other.