The College of Arts Conducts the Election of a Representative of the Iraqi Academics Syndicate

In the presence of the Dean of the College of Arts, Prof. Dr. Majid Abdul Hameed Al-Kaabi, the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abd Kazem Al-Khafaji, the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies, Prof. Dr. Haider Abdul Ridha Al-Tamimi, and under the supervision of the President of the Iraqi Academics Syndicate / Basra Branch, Mr. Hameed Attia Abdul-Hussein, and a number of department heads and a group  From the college professors,on Wednesday morning, 18/4/2022, in the conference hall of the College of Arts / University of Basrah, elections were held for the representative of the Iraqi Academics Syndicate in the Council of the College of Arts, based on the Law of the Iraqi Academics Syndicate No. 61 of 2017, and Prof. Hameed Attia was elected as a representative of the college’s instructors.

The work of the syndicate aims to improve the profession of instructors in higher education and scientific research and to enhance the ethics of the academic work profession in Iraqi universities, in addition to demanding and defending the rights of instructors in the college.

For his part, the Dean welcomed Professor Hameed Attia, praising his role and efforts in promoting the syndicate work, wishing him continued success.