Discussion of the Student Souad Naim Abdel Sayed’s Thesis


At the Department of Information and Knowledge Technologies at the College of Arts / University of Basrah, a master's thesis, entitled (measuring the scientific activity of faculty members in information and library departments in Iraqi academic institutions: an analytical study), was discussed.

The thesis presented by the student Souad Naim Abdel Sayed included four chapters. The first chapter discussed the general framework of the study, the second chapter included the scientific research: its origin, advantages, forms, problems, and obstacles, the third chapter discussed the practical aspect (analysis of the study data), and the fourth chapter dealt with the results and recommendations.

The thesis aims to identify the level of scientific productivity of the information and library departments in Iraqi universities and the efforts made by the universities that host these departments to raise the level of scientific research and to identify the statistically significant differences in the scientific productivity of faculty members in the information departments and libraries in Iraqi universities, and the reasons behind them.

The thesis recommended increasing attention to encouraging communication between information and libraries in Iraqi universities departments of similar specialization, coordinating the number of joint research projects, and increasing the number of scientific journals issued by universities and working to improve them according to international or Arab standards.