Discussion of the Student Kholoud Abd Gharkan Al-Bahadli

At the Department of History at the College of Arts /University of Basrah, a PhD 's thesis entitled (Migration of Andalusian scholars to the Islamic East) from the fifth century A.H. / eleventh century A.D. to the ninth century A.H. / fifteenth century A.D.

The thesis by the student Kholoud Abd Gharkan Al-Bahadli included four chapters. The first chapter discussed migration and its causes. The second chapter included scholars immigrating to the countries of the East. The third chapter discussed the scholars who settled in the East. The fourth chapter dealt with the effects of immigrant scholars in the country of immigrant.

The thesis aims to identify the most important causes of migration.

The thesis inference that the insecurity of the situation in the country, its deterioration politically, socially and economically, and the succession of states is what led to migration.