The Department of Arabic Language Established in Cooperation with the BAIT ALHAIKMA Scientific Seminar Discussing the Relationship of Philosophy with Literature and Criticism

Under the patronage of the respected President of the University of Basrah, Prof. Dr. Saad Shaheen Hammadi, and the respected Dean of the College of Arts, Prof. Dr. Majid Abdul Hamid Al-Kaabi, the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Arts established, in cooperation with the Department of Philosophical Studies / BAIT AL HAIKMA, the scientific seminar titled: (Philosophy in Modern Literature and Criticism) in the conference hall of the College of Arts and it was attended by the Dean of the College of Arts, the Scientific Assistant, the Administrative Assistant, the Head of the Arabic Language Department, and  a group of teachers and undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Department of Arabic Language.

 The seminar was chaired by Prof. Dr. Sana Sabah Ali/Assistant Professor of Contemporary Philosophy, in which Prof. Diaa Al-Thamry/Professor of Modern Literary Criticism participated in a paper entitled (Philosophy of Meaning in Modern Criticism).

In his paper, he emphasized the relationship of literature to philosophy and the relationship of literature and philosophy to truth, expanding on the philosophical backgrounds of critical curricula, stressing that the disagreement between the curricula is not an aesthetic dispute, but rather a dispute in the philosophical dimension, vision and meaning.

Prof. Aqil Abdel Hussein / Professor of Modern Literary Criticism, participated with a paper titled (The Impact of Postmodern Philosophy on Criticism), speaking about the death of reality, which comes in the context of a number of concepts that surrounded the postmodern era, such as the death of the author, the death of theory and the death of history, emphasizing that all writers suggest another reality in their novels.