Discussion of the Student Taif Yahya Khalifa Hassan

At the department of Information and Knowledge Technologies at the College of Arts / University of Basrah, a master's thesis entitled (The reality of the movement of free utilization of scientific information in Iraqi research institutions: The Knowledge Network for Islamic Heritage as a model)

The thesis presented by the student Taif Yahya Khalifa Hassan included four chapters. The first chapter discussed the general framework of the study. The second chapter discussed the movement of free utilization of information in research institutions. The third chapter included the field study and the fourth chapter discussed the results and recommendations.

The thesis aims to clarify the semantic concept of free utilization and measure the performance level of the knowledge network for Islamic heritage in achieving free utilization as the researcher followed the survey method in covering the subject of free utilization and the analytical descriptive approach through measurement and direct examination to analyze the research sample. (Users of the Knowledge Network for Islamic Heritage)

The thesis concluded:

1 - The network provides its services from downloading and subscription to beneficiaries free of charge without any financial fees, as the network depends on a policy of free utilization of information (open access).

2- The sobriety of the network is reflected in the audience of beneficiaries who use it, as it shows the diversity of scientific titles for researchers, as the percentage of use of the titles of assistant professor reached (37.5%) and professor at a rate of (33.33%), while the use of other titles (teacher, assistant teacher, associate researcher) is at minimum percentages ranged between (1.38% - 15.27).