Discussion of the Student Faisal Ghazi Allawi

At The Department of History at the College of Arts / the University of Basrah, a master's thesis entitled(Political and Religious Developments in Ancient Egypt (1085 - 950 BC-AD) was discussed



The thesis presented by the student Faisal Ghazi Allawi included an introduction and four chapters. The introduction dealt with the scope of the research, and the presentation of the sources. The first chapter dealt with political developments in ancient Egypt during the reigns of Ramses XII (Smandes) and Hariharan, the second chapter examined the political developments in Lower Egypt (1044 - 945 BC-AD), the third chapter dealt with the political developments in Upper Egypt (1074 - 945 BC-AD), and the fourth chapter focused on the religious developments in Thebes and Tanis during the era of the twenty-first dynasty.


The thesis aims to shed light on aspects of ancient Egyptian history, as the Egyptian state at the beginning of its eras went through many beginnings and ends for each of its eras, the thesis touched on the issue of the division of Egypt into two kingdoms, namely Tanis and Thebes, where Ramses XII (Smendes) ruled in Tanis, and the priest Harihar ruled in the south, the thesis touched on the most prominent political and religious developments that occurred in Egypt during the period (1085 - 950 BC-AD).