Discussion of the Student Ali Hussain Hindi’s Thesis

On Wednesday morning, 26/7/2022, a master’s thesis was discussed in the Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah, titled (Geographical Analysis of Industrial Areas in Basra Governorate and its Future Prospect).

The thesis presented by the student Ali Hussain Hindi included four chapters. The first chapter discussed the concept and importance of industrial zones and their historical development in Basra Governorate, the second chapter included the geographical components of the industrial zones in Basra Governorate, the third chapter discussed the structure of industrial zones in Basra Governorate and their geographical distribution, and the fourth chapter dealt with the problems of industrial zones in Basra Governorate and its future prospects.


The thesis concluded several topics, the most important of which are:

 1. Industrial zones are among the important projects that contribute to the state budget and help in local economic growth.

2. The low level of industrial investment, especially during the eighties and nineties of the last century in the governorate, due to the conditions of the Iraqi-Iranian war on the one hand, and the conditions of the economic blockade on the other hand, which led to weak exports and their focus on the oil sector, in addition to the deterioration of the value of the Iraqi dinar.

3. The industrial zones in the governorate helped provide job opportunities for a number of manpower and helped reduce the level of unemployment.

4. The industrial zones in Basra Governorate contributed to the provision of some basic industrial commodities, like food, construction, and others that meet the needs of the local market and dispense with importing those commodities and thus provide foreign currencies.