Discussion of the Student Iman Jabbar Saleh’s Thesis

On Wednesday morning 3/8/2022, a master’s thesis, titled (Geographical Analysis of Population Distribution in Al-Haritha District), was discussed at the Department of Geography and Geographical Information Systems at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah.

The thesis presented by the student Iman Jabbar Saleh included four chapters. The first chapter discussed the geographical characteristics, the second chapter dealt with the distribution of the population and its change, the third chapter discussed the measures of population distribution, and the fourth chapter included the factors affecting the population distribution in Al-Hartha district.

The study aims to show the shape of the geographical distribution of the population of Al-Hartha, and to clarify the effect of this distribution according to the statistical measures that were followed in the study, and then to show the effect of natural and human factors on the distribution of the population, in addition to giving a picture of the state and decision-makers about the distribution of the population in it in a way that helped to establish projects that serve the judiciary and distribute them to neighborhoods and villages.


The thesis concluded:

 1. The location of the study area within the sedimentary plain gave it the possibility of distributing the population to all areas without exception.  Therefore, any increase in population numbers can be received by the rest of the administrative units.

 2. The prevailing climate in the study area is part of the climate of the governorate of Basra, and the influence of the climate on the distribution of the population is almost non-existent. In the study area, there are the most important water resources represented by the Hammar marshes in the sub-division (Al-Mashab and Al-Salal), in addition to the presence of the Garmat Ali River on Shatt Al-Arab, which is the eastern border of the study area.