The Department of Translation and the Iraqi Center for Translation and Publishing Launch a Program to Develop the Students’ Capabilities

Within the scope of cooperation with other institutions and within a joint work program, the head of the Translation Department, Prof. Zainab Sami Hawal, received Mr. Hazem Qasim Al-Ali, Director of the Iraqi Center for Translation and the Basri House for Translation, on Monday, 1/8/2022, to set the mechanism of the said program between the department and the center.  The meeting was attended by a number of students from the department who join this program.

The program aims to develop the capabilities of the translation department students and train them on the translation process in different disciplines, and it contains two axes.  The first axis includes publishing the translated literary texts of the fourth stage graduation research for those who wish from the students and professors who supervise them - after obtaining prior approvals from them - in one book bearing the two official logos of the department and the center with a deposit number and an international number assigned to it.  The second axis includes training in translation in various fields for students of other stages who desire in workshops held once a week in the department, which include lectures by foreign professors from the center and professors from the department, according to a detailed curriculum in place, time and nature of the lectures.

The two parties called for strengthening the frameworks of joint cooperation by initiating other future activities that contribute to the development of students' scientific capabilities and the development of their mental abilities to qualify them in their academic life at the stage of study and after graduation.