An Instructor at the College of Arts Participates in an International Scientific Conference in Karbala

The instructor at the History Department at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah, Prof. Dr. Salma Abdul Hamid Al-Hashemi, participated in the preparatory session for the International Conference on Orientalism and Imam Al-Hussain, which was held by the Warith of the Prophets Foundation for Specialized Studies in the Imam Hussain Renaissance at the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine, which was held under the slogan (Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, universality and immortality) in the presence of a number of university professors and a number of researchers.

Dr. Salma indicated that "this step is important to meet with specialists and educated professors from various Iraqi universities in order to stand on opinions, discuss important topics and cross-fertilize ideas that are taken into consideration, and certainly will contribute to the success of the conference to be integrated."

For her part, Dr. Salma stressed the need for scientific research on the Imam Hussain Renaissance to be directed to all concerned people. It is important that it be in a clear and easy way in terms of using research methods and simplify in a more simplified wat to address all targeted social segments.