Discussion of Student Huda Saeed Odeh

On Thursday morning, 29/9/2022, in the Department of Arabic language at the College of Arts, University of Basrah a master thesis entitled ( The deliberative functions in Surat Al-Baqarah, a study in the light of functional grammar)was discussed.


The thesis presented by student Huda Saeed Odeh included two chapters. The first chapter dealt with internal functions ,and the second chapter discussed external functions.

The thesis aims to apply a modern theory to the Noble Qur’an to find out its effectiveness and what new value it may add to linguistic studies that aim to address language from the point of view of use.


The thesis concluded that the functional grammar theory combined structure and linguistic function and its connotations to encompass all aspects of language, where there is no use without syntax and vice versa.

The thesis recommended paying attention to the deliberative approach in discourse analysis and focusing on the function of the informative language.