The Dean of the College of Arts Meets with Foreign Postgraduate Students

The dean of the College of Arts, Dr. Majed Abdul Hamid Al-Kaabi, and the Assistant dean for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate studies, Dr. Haider Abdul Reda Tamimi, met on Tuesday, 11/10/2022, with foreign students admitted to postgraduate studies of different nationalities for the academic year 2022-2023.


At the beginning of the meeting, the Dean welcomed all foreign students, listened to their opinions and inquiries reviewed their conditions and the most important obstacles facing them to complete their scientific studies in the Departments of the college and promised to overcome all administrative and scientific obstacles that prevent them from completing the requirements for granting the certificate by the instructions for admission to Iraqi universities stipulated in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the Assistant dean for Scientific Affairs touched upon several important issues related to postgraduate studies of special instructions and controls, and expressed the University's keenness on the comfort of students in general and foreign students in particular, and stressed the work to provide all available means to create the optimal educational and academic university atmosphere for students .

At the end of the meeting, the students thanked the dean of the college and the Assistant dean for Scientific Affairs and pledged to be the best ambassadors for their country and their university.