Discussion of the Student Ali Mustafa Kamel

On Thursday morning, 20/10/2022, in the Department of History at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah a master thesis entitled (Abdullah bin Salam d. 43 AH 663, and his role in the intellectual movement) was discussed.


The thesis presented by the student Ali Mustafa Kamel included three chapters.The first chapter discussed (his personal life + his Islam + his relationship with the Prophet (PBUH) and the caliphs), the second chapter discussed (his scientific status + his students + his virtues) and the third chapter discussed (his role in the intellectual movement + his role in the Prophet’s hadith + his narrations).


The thesis aims to clarify the reality of the entry of these priests to Islam, as well as to indicate the extent of the authenticity of the narrations related to them.


The thesis concluded that Abdullah bin Salam is one of the problematic and dangerous figures in Islamic history, and there is also no information about his early life, and also he is considered the owner of an unknown history before the migration.


The thesis reached to follow such a methodology in dealing with narratives in constructive criticism and analysis.