Discussion of the Student Laila Faisal Mahdi

On Wednesday morning,26/10/2022, in the Department  of History at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah a master thesis entitled (Conditions of the Basrah Brigade during the first republican era 1958-1963 AD) was discussed.


The thesis presented by the student Laila Faisal Mahdi included three chapters. The first chapter discussed the political situation in Basrah after the revolution of July 14, 1958 - 1963 AD, the second chapter focused on economic developments in the agricultural and trade sector in Basrah 1958 - 1963 AD, and the third chapter discussed the administrative and cultural developments in Basrah 1958 - 1963 AD.


The thesis aims to know the most important political events and developments after the revolution of July 14, 1958, and its impact on all economic, commercial, and cultural levels in Basrah.


The thesis concluded the impact of the establishment of the first republican era 1958-1963 on the Basrah Brigade in all political, economic, social, and commercial aspects, including the expansion of Basra ports and its reflection on the living situation of the Basrah individual and the development of the educational and health aspect there.

The thesis recommended continuing to write and study the local and field history of Basrah to track the most important events and developments that played a practical and direct role in all economic, political and cultural fields.