Two Instructors from the College of Arts Publish a Book Entitled (Explanation of the Diwan of Imam Al-Sajjad )

The two instructors in the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah, Prof. Dr. Qassem Khalaf Al-Sakini and Prof. Dr. Ingers Tohma Al-Maliki, published a book entitled (Explanation of the Diwan of Imam Al-Sajjad by Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Al-Hajji Nabi Al-Hamidi, famous for Al-Kusaj (who died in the tenth century AH)).


As the original book was a manuscript entitled (Sharh Diwan al-Imam al-Sajjad) attributed by the commentator – as we think it is Shafi - in the introduction of the explanation to Imam al-Sajjad, peace be upon him.  It dates back to tha 10th century AH as it is mentioned in the end of the manuscript. The poetry contained in it ( 145 beta) is organized on one of the sixteen meters of Arabic poetry, which is the Al-wafir meter, all sermons and advice, and we have proved the attribution of this poetry to Imam Al-Sajjad (peace be upon him) through five arguments we called evidences. What increased its adoption in the attribution of poetry that is is investigated in a Diwan investigated by Majid bin Ahmed Al-Attiyah and published in Beirut in 2002. When we compared the poetry of the explanation with the poetry achieved in the Diwan, we found it identical except in some of the linguistic outputs and the explanatory approach is summarized in explaining the meanings of the vocabulary and its syntax and some other linguistic methods.

The book was printed in Karatis for printing, publishing and distribution .