The Department of Translation at the College of Arts Attends the Meeting of the Sectoral Committee of the Corresponding Departments in Iraqi Universities

The Department of Translation at the College of Arts represented by Prof. Zainab Sami Hawl, the president of the department, attended the meeting of the sectoral committee of the corresponding departments, translation departments, in Iraqi universities on Sunday 23/10/2022, which was held at the College of Arts / Al-Mustansiriya University for those departments in Al-Mustansiriya University, Basrah University, Mosul University, the Iraqi University, the University of Tikrit and the University of Wasit, to discuss the curricula for all stages approved by the Ministerial Committee of Experts for those with the same scientific specialization for the English language curricula in Iraqi universities, and before it the Sectoral Committee for the corresponding departments in Iraqi universities and the need to unify them in all the mentioned departments.


The Presidents of departments discussed the possibility of amending and updating the curricula for those stages in the future, as the committee has the right to change by 20% in those curricula annually.



The head and members of the committee instructed the president of the translation department at the University of Basrah to provide the committee with the complete final file prepared with the detailed curricula with the textbooks and the number of units by tracking the deletions and additions to them during the successive annual meetings of those committees as a member and in the implementation of the resource development and modernization project of knowledge resources of English language curricula in Iraqi universities, which was approved by the Ministry in 2015/2016. 


The meeting concluded by submitting recommendations to the Deans’ Committee and discussing the proposals and opinions of the ladies and gentlemen members of the Sectoral Committee.