An Instructor at the College of Arts Participates in a Virtual Workshop in Turkey

An instructor in the Department of History at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah, Prof. Dr. Nizar Abdel Mohsen Jaafar Al-Dagher, participated in the virtual academic workshop entitled (In the Homes of the Kingdom of Sheba: An Archaeological Journey to the Spanish Capital, Marib), which was held by the Faculty of Middle Eastern Studies at Soliman International University-Turkey.


The participation included discussing the role of Yemenis in the emergence of civilization and the formation of kingdoms of a hereditary nature, where he pointed out the great political role of these kingdoms, including the kingdom of Sheba, whose Kings combined the holiness and the possession and relied heavily on them. They controlled the ports of the roads coming from the East and the North, monopolized trade, built their capital Marib and formed a powerful naval fleet, thus they gained navigational superiority, which reflected positively on their political status, expanding on the expense of their neighbors. The Yemenis, throughout the ages of their civilization after the spread of Islam, preserved their political entities after they refused to submit to the rule of the contemporary forces for them, so they were the masters of the country and its rulers.