Discussion of Student Abdul Karim Abdullah Hantoush

On Tuesday morning, 16/11/2022,in the Department of geography and geographic information systems at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah a master thesis entitled (Mine and war remnants contamination in Basrah, a study in environmental geography) was discussed.

The thesis presented by the student Abdul Karim Abdullah Hantoush included three chapters. The first chapter discussed the theoretical, practical and conceptual foundations ,the second chapter included areas of mine and war remnants contamination and their geographical distribution in Basrah Governorate , and the third chapter discussed the effects resulting from mine and war remnants contamination in Basrah Governorate. 

The thesis aims to study the size of the problem of mine and war remnants contamination in Basrah Governorate, to calculate the area of ​​land covered by mines and war remnants in the study area, the geographical distribution and spread of mines and war remnants, and to indicate the number of victims and casualties of mines and war remnants within the study area. 

The study concluded:                   



1- Through the study it was found that the wars waged by Iraq and Basrah Governorate being the arena for most of their battles contributed to causing severe pollution with mines and extremely dangerous war remnants.

2- From the field study, it was found that the area contaminated with mines and war remnants in Basrah Governorate is large, about 2,140,065,702 square meters.

The study found:


1- The necessity of conducting more accurate academic and scientific studies to demonstrate the impact of mine and war remnants contamination, especially in the study area.

 2- Recommendations to the competent authorities to distinguish the suspected or contaminated areas with mines and war remnants by placing warning signs.