Discussion of the Student Abdul Hamid Hassan Ali

On Wednesday morning, 16/11/2022, in  the Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah, a master  thesis entitled ( (Assessment of public health indicators in the city of Zubair: a study in medical geography) was discussed.

The thesis presented by the student Abdul Hamid Hassan Ali included four chapters.The first chapter discussed the theoretical approach to the study, the second chapter dealt with the evaluation of indicators of the health status of the population in the city of Zubair, the third chapter discussed the evaluation of health services indicators in the city of Zubair, and the fourth chapter included the evaluation of indicators of municipal services in the city of Zubair.

The thesis aims to identify the reality of public health in the city of Zubair and compare this reality with the environmental and health indicators adopted globally and locally to determine the most important strengths and weaknesses in these indicators and thus develop immediate and future solutions and treatments that should be carried out by the competent authorities to raise the general level of this city.

The thesis concluded:

1- Acute and chronic bronchitis diseases was in the first rank among the spread of transitional diseases, followed by acute diarrhea diseases in the second rank, while chickenpox was in the third rank, amoebic dysentery was in the fourth rank, in the fifth rank was scabies disease, and the last rank was pneumonia.

2- The results indicate that blood pressure diseases was in the first rank among the prevalence of chronic diseases, followed by diabetes mellitus in the second rank, and asthma was in the third rank, while heart diseases were in the last rank.

3- The study showed that there is a shortage in the number of health institutions, as the city, according to the local standard, needs (7) hospitals, as well as (33) health centers.