Translation Department Holds a Joint Book Fair with the Tariq and Marquis Libraries

     The Department of Translation at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah held a joint exhibition for the book, in cooperation with the two libraries of Al-Tariq by Mr. (Zaydoon Muhammad Abd Ali), and the Marquis Library by Mr. (Sami Hamid Abdul-Zahra), Director of Dar Marquis for Publishing and Distribution.  The exhibition, which was opened on Tuesday 29/11/2022, included curriculum and help books in scientific, literary, historical, media, legal, translation theories and all linguistics.

    The exhibition lasted for three days, starting from 11/29/2022;  and due to the increasing demand for the offered books, many professors and students requested an extension of the book fair period, and based on the approval of the College Deanship, the extension was made until Thursday 12/8/2022.

   The head of the Translation Department, Prof. Zainab Sami Hawal, asked the owners of the two libraries to work on holding other future exhibitions, as an encouraging step for students to acquire books that include different fields of knowledge, and not to be satisfied with what is found in the textbooks prescribed for them only.