The Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems Organizes a Scientific Trip to Al Hartha Power Station

The Department of Geography and Geographic Information Systems at the College of Arts at the University of Basra organized a scientific trip to the Al-Hartha Thermal Power Station for postgraduate students  (Masters) accompanied by Prof. Dr. Rashid Abdul Rashid Al-Sharifi, and Assistant Professor Dr. Adel Abdul-Amir Al-Zayer, and they were received by a group of station engineers.


                                                                                                     The visit included viewing the stages of electric power production, where the production process starts from the process of water filtration and the manufacture of steam, and then the stage of torches and boilers, and from there to the stage of generation heads, management of turbines and electricity production, and then to the stage of converting the electrical energy produced into lower voltages.

During the visit, they were briefed on the RO water industry systems and testing laboratories , as well as electronic control systems for the work and production of the station.