Visit of a Bahraini Delegation from the College of Arts Graduates Forty Years Ago

A delegation of graduates of the College of Arts visited the site of Bab Al-Zubair colleges and inspected the places that the graduates had left for a long time, accompanied by the Dean of the College this morning. The delegation is part of a large number of guests who came to the University of Basrah at the kind invitation of the Presidency of the University of Basrah, coinciding with their attendance to the 25 Gulf matches in the city of Basra.


The delegation met a number of college professors and students, expressing its sincerity towards the college whose knowledge it draws from.

The delegation also praised the scientific status of this ancient college and how its graduates from the State of Bahrain contributed to building their country, who formed a high percentage among the number of students on scholarships to Iraqi universities in the seventies of the last century.