The President of the Translation Department at the College of Arts Chairs a Master Discussion Committee at Al-Mustansiriya University

The Head of the Translation Department at the College of Arts, Professor Zainab Sami Hawal, chaired the discussion committee for the master's thesis tagged (Assessment of Strategies Adopted in Translating Arabic Ph.D Dissertations' Abstracts into English) by the student (  Asmaa Muwaffaq Ahmed) from the Department of Translation / College of Arts / Al-Mustansiriya University, The discussion committee consisted of Prof.Zainab Sami Hawal / College of Arts / University of Basrah / President, Assis. Prof.Dr. Samir Saleh Al-Dahwi / member, Assist. Prof. Hala Ghanem Muhammad / member, and Assist. Prof.Dr. Muhammad Kazem Ghafil / College of Arts / Al-Mustansiriya University / member and supervisor.


The study sought to evaluate strategies for translating doctoral dissertation summaries from Arabic into English.  To carry out this assessment, a selective model was formulated by integrating the translation strategies proposed in the model of Vinay and Darblant (1995), with the complementary strategies proposed in the model of Dickens et al. (2002).


The study includes an analysis and evaluation of fourteen abstracts of doctoral dissertations in Arabic translated into English based on a qualitative approach to discover and classify translation strategies using the selective model of the study, and includes the use of a quantitative method to determine the percentage of each translation strategy used to build the general trend of translation strategies.


The study concluded that literal translation is the most widely used translation strategy, constituting approximately 86% of the total translation strategies used.It was also concluded that most translation errors result from the inappropriate use of certain translation strategies, which is often the literal translation chosen by translators due to their ignorance of other more appropriate strategies that can produce appropriately translated versions of the selected abstracts in the study.