Discussion of Student Fatima Kazem Yassin

On Wednesday morning 18/1/2023, in the Department of History at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah a master thesis entitled (Nasser Al-Saeed, his life and his role in the Saudi opposition 1923-1979) was discussed.

The thesis presented by the student Fatima Kazem Yassin included three chapters. The first chapter discussed Nasser Al-Saeed, his birth, the circumstances of his upbringing and his studies 1923-1944,the second chapter included: The role of Nasser Al-Saeed in Aramco 1945-1956 ,and  the third chapter discussed the activity of Nasser Al-Saeed 1957-1979.


The thesis aims to identify the biography of the Saudi dissident, Nasser Al-Saeed, and his role in the Saudi opposition, whether inside or outside Saudi Arabia, by shedding light on his overall role in Aramco, and then his establishment of many opposition political organizations until his disappearance in 1979.

The thesis concluded:                        

 Nasser Al-Saeed was distinguished by several personal characteristics, such as courage, high aspiration, and determination. He was highly charismatic and strong. He was articulate and had an attractiveness that made the recipient affected by his speech, so he stood out among his colleagues. This is due to the revolutionary environment in which Nasser was raised on the spirit of confrontation and rejection of injustice and arbitrariness.  These circumstances made him a stubborn, strong personality who did not submit, surrender, or be humiliated, and the course of the opposition political struggle gave him the ability to understand laws, governments, and the nature of regimes.