The University of Basrah is doing Volunteer Work (a campaign of in-kind donations for the Yazidi displaced camps in Sinjar)

The Department of History at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah organized a voluntary work that included some professors and students of the Department of History, in cooperation with the (Iraqi Hemam Organization), collecting in-kind donations for the Yazidi displaced people camps in Sinjar, due to their difficult living conditions in light of the severe cold weather in northern Iraq.

The volunteer work aims to collect in-kind donations that were given to the displaced in Mosul to strengthen the bonds of national cohesion and relationship between the various factions of the Iraqi people.

The volunteer work that was done by several professors from the History Department included (Professor Dr. Haider Abdel-Ridha Hassan, Prof. Dr. Najat Abdel-Karim Abdel-Sada, Prof. Dr. Nazim Rashem Maatouk, Prof. Dr. Raghad Faisal Abdel-Wahhab, lect.Dr. Araa Jassim Muhammad, and ledt.Dr. Sahira Hussein Mahmoud) and a group of students from the Department of History, in cooperation with the organization (Hemam Iraqia). The donations includes food, clothes and blankets, in order to meet part of the needs of the people in the Yezidi displaced camps located in Sinjar district of Mosul.


The campaigners recommended the following:

 1. The need for all segments of Iraqi society to unite in helping the displaced Yazidis.

 2. Urging the Iraqi media of all kinds to highlight the suffering of the displaced Yazidis, and to encourage citizens to help them, as this has an impact on strengthening national cohesion and enhancing social solidarity.