Discussion of Student Afaf Ali Hussein

On Sunday morning 2/19/2023, a master thesis entitled (aesthetic dimensions in the  bulbul poems of Ali al-Sharqi) was discussed in the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah.

The thesis presented by student Afaf Ali Hussain included three chapters.The first chapter discussed the textual dimension, the second chapter included the symbolic dimension, and the third chapter discussed the subjective dimension.

The aim of the thesis is to study the aesthetic dimensions of the  bulbul  poems of the poet Ali Al-Sharqi and included revealing the aesthetic phenomena of using the bulbul in the texts of the poet Ali Al-Sharqi, as the poet employs the bulbul to be a way to his feelings, thoughts, aspirations and special visions.

The thesis concluded that the poet Ali Al-Sharqi, in his poetic texts that carried his feelings, employed the in proportion to his psychological visions and intellectual aspirations. His choice of the  bulbul  was not absurd, but there were common motives between him and this bird.


Likewise, the poet merged his voice with the voice of the bulbul to take from it a symbolic framework of his own. The psychological factor and the social environment played an important role in his texts and often helped him to shape them.

The thesis recommended the study of the aesthetic dimension, which has long been considered a fundamental pillar in the study of literature and its arts. These studies search for reading texts, revealing their data and ways of building them, and often achieve stimulating feelings in that recipient because of the interdependence between texts and life, the artist and the outside world.