Discussion of Student Raed Emad Ahmed

On Tuesday morning, 21/2/2023, a PhD thesis entitled (Rules of Linguistic Communication in Prose Discourse in the First Abbasid Era) was discussed in the Department of Arabic Language at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah.

The thesis presented by the student Raed Emad Ahmed included two units. The first unit dealt with the principle of cooperation and the rules deriving from it. The first chapter included the quantity rule, the second chapter discussed the quality rule, the third chapter dealt with the relationship or adequacy rule , and the fourth chapter dealt with the aspect or manner rule. As for the second unit,, it deals with additional rules for the principle of cooperation (principles of politeness). The first chapter touched on the principle of discipline ,the second chapter  discussed the principle of confrontation and consideration of work ,and the third chapter discussed the principle of maximum discipline. 

The thesis aims to shed light on the rules of linguistic communication because of its great importance in deliberative, linguistic and rhetorical research; Because it offers new and important additions in all fields, and a fertile subject in the study of prose arts in the Arab-Islamic heritage and revealing its deliberative dimensions. 

The study concluded several conclusions, including:

The cognitive background that relates to the context of the addressee helps him to reveal the intentions of the speaker in the speech, which helps to know the significance of the dialogue commitment in the speech. 

The translation of terms in deliberative linguistics has multiplied.