Discussion of the Student Heba Abdel Azim Safar

On Wednesday 15/3/2023, in the Department of Information and Knowledge Technologies at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah a master thesis entitled (Museum Libraries in Iraq: Survey) was discussed.

The thesis presented by the student included four chapters. The first chapter discussed the general framework of the study, which included (problem, importance, goals, questions of the curriculum, society and sample, data collection tools, study limits, statistical equation, previous studies, the status of the current study from previous study, the difficulties of study, procedural definitions), the second chapter includes two topics (the first topic dealt with museums as an institution of information and the second topic focused on what museum libraries are and their services), and the third chapter touched on two topics, the first topic was devoted to analyzing the interview questions directed to museum directors and librarians. As for the second topic, it was devoted to analyzing the questionnaire questions directed to the actual beneficiaries of museum libraries. As for the fourth chapter, it included the results, conclusions, recommendations and proposals .

The thesis aims to identify the origins of museum libraries, their historical development, and the types of services and information they provide to the beneficiaries.

The thesis concluded that the libraries of museums are an intellectual wealth because of the precious books and valuable sources of information that immortalize the intellectual products which were left to us by thinkers in various fields of knowledge.