The poet Hussein Al-Rikabi Hosted by the College of Arts, Department of Arabic Language

Under the auspices of the President of the University of Basrah and the Dean of the College of Arts, the Arabic Language Department hosted the poet Hussein Anbar Al-Rikabi in the meeting room of the department.

The cultural seminar began with reading a number of poems that the poet recited and received the approval of the attendees. Then a critical paper was delivered that dealt with the poet’s creative career. It was presented by Assistant Professor Dr. Mushtaq Al-Fadhli, in which he emphasized the maturity of Al-Rikabi’s experience and the depth of the topics and ideas he deals with in his poem, referring to the poet’s deep understanding of the meters of poetry, as evidenced by analyzing a number of poems published in his poetry collections, showing the poet's deep understanding of poetic themes, because many of his poems were organized on difficult poetic meters.

The seminar concluded by allowing the attendees to make their interventions and questions, which enriched the seminar. A number of instructors and those interested in cultural affairs in the province attended the seminar.