The Department of Philosophy at the College of Arts at the University of Basrah organized a panel discussion entitled “The Crusades: A Christian View - (William Al-Suri as a Model)”
The panel discussion in which the assistant teacher Aqil Jabbar al-Asadi lectured aims to shed light on the Christian vision of the Crusades through a contemporary historian’s vision of the events to a large extent, and the extent of objectivity of his historical texts related to the Crusades and the accompanying events that left their clear impact throughout the countries of the Arab Islamic East ( Especially the Levant and Egypt), because talking about the Crusades according to one vision, which is the Arab-Islamic vision, makes the information we provide inaccurate in some aspects in which we need to dive into the depths of the Crusader political entities to know the details of those wars.
The panel dealt with the vision of the other side of the Crusades waged by the West against the East with religious slogans and fanatical religious motives - and economic. The vision of William Al-Suri as a historian was the model for presenting the Christian vision of the Crusades.
The panel touched on the Christian vision of the Crusades through the contemporary historian William Al-Suri’s view of the events, and also for his knowledge of the course of events in his capacity as a cleric and statesman, as he is a senior pastor and advisor to the King of the Kingdom of Jerusalem for more than a decade.
In the panel discussion , the researcher recommends continuing to present historical studies that shed light on some aspects about which information remained scarce or unknown due to their connection to the details of events in the Crusader political entities.